Driving in Guatemala was insane. We saw buses like this one flying around corners with men standing on top, driving on the wrong side of the road to pass a construction zone, and passing on blind curves.
The fruit at the market in Huehuetenango looked amazing, to0 bad we couldn't eat it!
One of my projects was painting the doghouse red.
The beginning of our painting job...painting the perimeter wall that enclosed the Cerminaro's home for protection.
My mom, putting the final touches on the entrance.
The kids in the village where we did dentistry were very curious about what was going on in the "dental clinic." They would peak their heads in the door to see what we were doing.
Smile, one of our first patients was a little boy. It was mostly women and children that came to get their teeth pulled.
I got to assist my dad on the first day. We set up the dental chair and supplies in a small room in a church. The room next door was the "waiting room" which was filled all day with people waiting to get their teeth pulled. It was very different...who lines up to get their teeth pulled here in the States??!
Mom, Dad, Kim, and Jeffrey (our Guatemalan friend) at Lake Atitlan.
It was very hazy while we were at Lake Atitlan so the views of the volcanoes were not clear.
Sunset over the lake.
Wow! What an adventure and an experience.
Great picture,great memories God is good! MOMxoxox
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