Amanda's home is in a luscious wooded area. Northern California is incredibly green and rainy during January. We got out every morning, excitedly soaking up the dewy air, and walked to the local coffee shop. The trip was complete with pedicures, shopping in Santa Cruz (I found an amazing deal on a pair of Vintage Frye boots!) and yummy desserts! I have to admit that I forgot to snap very many shots on this trip, but here are a few...
Amanda, Jamee, and I walking along the water in Santa Cruz. You can't see in the picture, but there were tons of surfers out catching waves.
One afternoon Amanda took us to the really cute, old berry farm. Jamee and I bought strawberry jam but couldn't carry it back on the plane!
Inside the berry farm you could buy homemade jams, berry truffles, berry cobbler and a variety other tasty treats. There was a cash box sitting out to pay and make often do you find that these days??
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