Sunday, November 16, 2008

Men's Retreat

This weekend, All Souls Church of Boulder had a Men's Retreat at the cabin outside of Ned. I've been to quite a few retreats in my days, but I must say none can compare. The week prior, Pat (the guy leading the discussion) sent out an online survey. The survey was 10 questions ranging from overall life struggles to the ability to connect at church. He used the survey results to determine the content of the discussion. What followed was a group of men, admitting their weaknesses, praying for each other, and "gossiping the gospel!"

It seems that often times, we can know a lot of people without truly knowing anyone. Men are especially vulnerable to this, as we have difficulties admitting weakness. Everywhere we turn, it's as though men have to be strong and without emotion. Men have to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. Jesus has taught the something different...the opposite actually. He tells to be weak to be strong. It's counterintuitive, but it's the truth.

This retreat has spurred me on to truly begin investing in other people as well as opening up and allowing others to penetrate my heart and mind. I'm looking forward to what the Lord will do through my weaknesses.

Here's a couple pictures from the weekend.

What better way to spend a weekend with the guys than in a cabin in the woods!

Pat, speaking wisdom into our lives.

The view from deck was incredible.

1 comment:

dina said...

This level of male bonding inspires me to go chop wood.