I still took Friday off from work and the unexpected weekend was great. We slept in, then went to our favorite restaurant, Lucile's, for breakfast. We enjoyed coffee, salmon, and good conversation for hours. We then headed to Lyons Picture Rock trail for some hiking/trail running.

Picture Rock Trail

Town of Lyons below
After the trail run, we took off to Boulder for the TRG film 'Under the Influence.' Christine and I decided we're getting too old for the college, ski flick, waiting in line for hours, loud, scene. Next year we'll just buy the movie and enjoy it at home with ice cream.
Saturday morning I got up before Christine, made coffee, and spent some good time reading. After Christine got up, we had coffee together by the fire and talked a little bit. I then slipped out for a little mountain biking prior to the Bama game.

Hall Ranch, with Long's Peak in the background.
We topped off the weekend with lunch with our friend Keith (soup!) and a win from Alabama over Ole Miss. I wasn't the happiest camper, as they played terrible in the second half, but a win is a win right. Good times were had though.....well, as good as it gets with a Miss St graduate!!!